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Thursday, March 27, 2025




Join us to celebrate our program and

5-Year Pinning   -   Glen G.

Congratulations Glen!

All GA/GamAnon members plus family and friends are invited!

When:  Thursday, March 27, 2025

Time:  7:00 p.m  “sharing table”

7:30 pm Celebration

Where:  Thornhill United Church

25 Elgin St.

Thornhill, ON L3T 1W5

Topic:  “Life on Life's Terms”

For further information email:

Explore our website for meeting locations and more at:

or email:

March 31, 2025


(Online at monthly Intergroup meeting)


(Online at monthly Intergroup meeting)

What:  Elections for two (2) Trustees to represent us at Board of Trustee meetings and to be Trusted Servants to help all GA groups in this area. GA Toronto is Area 4 which covers Ontario except for Windsor & Ottawa 
(Please read the “Trustee Guidelines” below.)
When:  Monday, March 31, 2025
Time:   7 pm
Where:  Online (RingCentral, like ZOOM)

If you wish to stand for election for one of these Trusted Servant (Trustee) positions or just wish to attend the elections, please email: 
If you are interested in a Trustee position please state your qualifications, your interest in the position and your availability to attend the virtual Intergroup meeting on March 31st.
You will be emailed the link to the meeting.



The following is the listing of Guidelines as per the green Information Packet booklet that is listed as literature item #28 on the GA approved literature form on the inside of each month’s ISO Bulletin.
1.      Attend all physical Board of Trustees meetings and answer all mail and quick response board meetings.
2.      Be a living example of the precepts of Gamblers Anonymous and personally work the Steps of Recovery and Unity.
3.      Uphold the Guidance Code, and all decisions made by the Board of Trustees (not fulfilling this affects G.A. as a whole).
4.      Attend as many of the various group meetings within your area as possible. Where physical attendance is not possible, keep in regular communication through the mail and/or telephone.
5.      Be available to all members and groups in your Trustee area for advice and guidance. Work with the trusted servants to correct the issues that do not conform with the Guidance Code and all decisions of the Board of Trustees (not fulfilling this affects G.A. as a whole).
6.      Attend Gamblers Anonymous functions such as open meetings, mini- conferences, dinner dances, picnics, etc.
7.      Offer assistance to any group that has a problem.
8.      Serve actively on committees on the Board of Trustees.
9.      Be a Lifeliner and encourage groups and membership to support the International Service Office through Lifelines and Group Contributions.
10.  Regularly attend Gamblers Anonymous meetings, at least thirty-nine Gamblers Anonymous meetings a year.
11.  Make area groups aware of and encourage use of tools of Gamblers Anonymous such as Pressure Group Pamphlets, Group Handbook, Sponsorship Pamphlets, Big Book, Public Relations Material, Ninety Day Plateau, New Member Letter, etc.
12.  Attend Regional or Intergroup meetings if they exist in your area.
13.  Actively participate in communicating with the Board of Trustees, individual members, group, Intergroup, to obtain agenda items for the Board of Trustees.
14.  A Trustee should offer assistance to any members starting a new G.A. group.
15.  A Trustee should regularly write his/her area happenings and any other thoughts to the bulletin.
16.  Uphold the Board of Trustees responsibilities to the Literature Committee and its approved guidelines by:
a) being completely familiar, prior to the B.O.T. meetings, with the content of all literature submitted to the B.O.T. for approval;
b) making suggestions to the Literature Committee for improvement of said literature, if approved by B.O.T., within 30 days subsequent to the B.O.T. meetings. (note: Literature proposal from a committee, once passed, once passed, are excluded from B.O.T. suggestions.)
17.  Bring all upcoming agenda items to the attention of all groups in your area prior to all B.O.T. meetings for input that will guide all the trustees from your area at all B.O.T. meetings.

Saturday, April 5, 2025


☕️ Breakfast 🍳

Saturday, April 5

All GA & Gam-Anon members interested in participating in planning the 2025 Conference are invited by our Intergroup Conference Chair, Aldo I., to breakfast and the first 2025 Conference Committee Meeting. Join us!

When:   Saturday, April 5, 2025

Time:    9 AM To Noon

Where:  St. Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church

8500 Islington Ave

Woodbridge  ON  L4L 1X4

We are looking for ideas and suggestions on how we can have another great conference like last year!

If you cannot attend the breakfast meeting, but you would like to join the Conference Committee or if you have any questions or suggestions, please email:

General Contact Information

To find a meeting and much more please explore our website:




Call the Helpline:


Join us to celebrate our program and

15-Year Pinning for Lu R.

Congratulations Lu!

All GA/Gam-Anon members plus family and friends are welcome!

When:  Saturday April 26
Time:   12 Noon Meeting & Pinning (medallion presentation), followed by coffee & cake.

Where: Church of the Redeemer
            162 Bloor St West
            Toronto  ON  M5S 1M4

(enter door on right, at top of outside stairs - go to 3rd floor)

Click here for Google map

For more information email:

For up-to-date meeting information and more, explore our website:  or email:

Saturday April 26, 2025




Elections were held at the monthly Intergroup meeting on February 24th, 2025.  

Here are the results.

•Intergroup Chair - Deb R.

▪︎Intergroup Co-Chair - Mary A.

▪︎Announcements/Meetings Chair - Jeff L.

▪︎Public Relations Chair -

Aldo I.

▪︎Treasurer - Michelle B.  

▪︎Supplies Chair - Matt I.

▪︎Recording Secretary - Rose V.

▪︎Telephone Ring Central / Volunteer Chair  - * unfilled

▪︎Website Chair - Calvin C.

▪︎Pressure Relief Group Meeting (PRGM) Chair - Dave H.

▪︎Social Chair - * unfilled

▪︎Prison Group Chair - * unfilled

▪︎2025 Conference Chair - Aldo I.


Positions that were not filled will be voted on at subsequent online Intergroup Meetings. Nominations/Self-nominations may be made at any meeting or by emailing:

▪︎Follow this link for the detailed position descriptions.

▪︎For more information email:

End of Announcements